About Us
Working in partnership
A group of farming families, in partnership with community organisations, with the support of the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Management Scheme facilitation service, developed a successful bid to work together with nature in the Upper Severn Catchment.
The Nature and People (Nature and Us) aim is to develop a collaborative approach with partners such as Natural Resources Wales, Coed Cymru and the Powys Biodiversity Network to the issues faced in the area. The project also has the advice and audit of FWAG Cymru on its environmental issues and progress.
The Maesmawr Group Ltd was established as lead partner to deliver the project which has received financial support through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural
Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for
Rural Development and the Welsh Government.
The initial two-year phase of the project will see a range of activities to improve habitats, better access by people to the countryside for blue and green benefits – both physical and mental health – as well as a range of sustainable land management techniques.

Education is a key driver with a focus on training farming family members across the generations. There are workshops with experts to ensure land management is carried out with regard to soil health and biodiversity, carbon storage and natural resource flood management. Citizen science is being used along with information from latest technological research projects involving geographical information systems, satellite imagery and meteorology.
Work is being carried out with schools to encourage the next generation to think about the natural world around them and where their food comes from. A series of baseline surveys is looking at how invertebrates, birds, mammals and plants (especially in upland areas) can benefit from new mixed grazing regimes, hedge and tree planting and positive actions to halt and reverse the decline in habitats and species.
Get in touch
E-mail: severncatchment@aol.com