A climate conscious Wales...
The Welsh Government in its policy document Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales sets out how it aims to target and tackle the impact of climate change throughout Wales. Nature and People Working Together aims to collaboratively incorporate and adopt these actions.
We all have to accept responsibility for climate change. Increasing temperatures and greater incidence of heavy rainfall events which can lead to catastrophic flooding are already with us.
In our Nature and people project we have considered what steps we can take to help reduce these effects. Our actions include:
Promotion of good environmental, agricultural practice to increase resilience
of soils and water which includes good soils and nutrient management plans to ensure reduced compaction so more water is absorbed, run-off is less and there are clean waters in our river basins.
More canopy cover through tree-planting and hedges and maintenance of grasslands which also allows more rainfall to be absorbed and greater carbon storage and ecosystem service value.

In addition, the project has a focus on:
Restoration of uplands and managing them for biodiversity, carbon, water,
flood risk, energy and recreational benefits.
Delivering climate change adaptation through farming sustainably with focus on healthy soils and best use of resources.
Creation of water storage facilities to reduce run-off and provide a haven for wildlife which will also reduce the effects of drought.
Encouraging current farmers – and the future generation of agricultural landowners – to think about and plan for climate change and to adapt by changing behaviours and practices for greater resilience of our natural resources.
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